Math Teacher Circles are professional communities of K-12 mathematics teachers and mathematicians. Groups meet regularly to work on rich mathematics problems, allowing teachers to enrich their knowledge and experience of math, while building meaningful partnerships with other teachers and mathematicians.
Math Teachers’ Circle Virtual Workshop (July 2020)
I just attended the Math Teachers’ Circle Network Virtual Workshop. Much of the workshop and culminating math festival has been captured online and can be revisited. My favorite sessions were Acting Out Mathematics with Hortensia Soto and the Desmos Activity Builder Session with Chris Bolognese. The latter session had an ad-hoc meet-up the following day and I so hope that he posted the video for that as well as it gave all of the details on how to create Activity Builder classes led by Chris, a Desmos fellow. There are sessions on pandemic modelling, how teachers are handling remote learning, and even a session from James Tanton, famous for G’Day Math. Definitely visit what has been captured from this amazing virtual event!